Funny knitted snowman — diagram and description

knitted-snowman Knitted jewelry

A knitted snowman will create a cozy winter atmosphere in your home and help you prepare for the upcoming holidays.

Even if you are new to the world of knitting, a simple pattern and detailed instructions for knitting will help you create this cute snowman in just a few evenings. A DIY snowman can be a great idea for a New Year’s gift.

The size of the snowman is about 25 cm.


Тo make a knitted snowman you will need:

  1. Drops Safran — 1 skein, color 17 white, 50 g/160 m (175 yd). Сomposition: 100% cotton.
  2. Sock yarn — 30 g, any colour, 100 g/420 m.
  3. Sock yarn — 2 m, orange or red, 100 g/420 m.
  4. Knitting Needles: 2,5 mm (US 1, GB 13) double pointed needles or circular needles (for snowman), 3 mm (US 2,4, GB 11) double pointed needles or circular needles (for vest and hat).
  5. Stitch marker.
  6. Two 0,4 ” (10 mm) buttons (for vest front).
  7. Two 0,2 ” (5 mm) black rounds (for eyes).
  8. Sewing needle and black sewing thread.
  9. Yarn needle.
  10. For stuffing: Polyester stuffing, knee high stocking, pellet stuffing (or other weighted stuffing).
  11. Craft scissorse.

Basic Skills

  1. Stockinette stitch: when worked in the round, knit all stitches;when worked back and forth in rows, knit the front rows with knit and the purl rows with purl.
  2. Rib 2 by 2: alternate k2, p2.
  3. Rib 1 by 1: alternate k1, p1.
  4. Garter stitch: when knitting in turning rows, knit the front and back rows with knit.
  5. Kfb (Knit into front and back) = Knit next st but do not remove from needle, knit into back loop of same st and remove from needle.
  6. Ssk (slip, slip, knit) — decrease 1 stitch by first slipping a stitch, then knitting a stitch, then passing the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch.
  7. K2tog — knit 2 stitches together with a knit stitch slanted left and right.
  8. Ability to sew knitted seams: “loop to loop”; vertical knit seam.

Knitted snowman — diagram and description

How to make a knitted snowman:

  1. Snowman is worked in one piece beginning at top of head.
  2. Head and bottom section are worked in rounds. The mid-section is worked back and forth in rows.
  3. When working in rounds you can work with double pointed needles, with a single circular needle using the magic loop technique.
  4. Arms are worked separately and sewn to snowman.

With needles №2,5 mm (US 1, GB 13) and Drops Safran (white colour), cast on 6 sts. Place marker for beginning of round and prepare to work in rounds.

Round 1 (right side): Kfb in each st around —12 sts.

Round 2: 12K.


Round 3: (K1, kfb) 6 times —18 sts.

Round 4: Knit.

Round 5: (K2, kfb) 6 times — 24 sts.

Round 6: Knit.

Round 7: (K3, kfb) 6 times — 30 sts.

Round 8: Knit.

Round 9: (K4, kfb) 6 times — 36 sts.

Round 10: Knit.

Round 11: (K5, kfb) 6 times — 42 sts.

Round 12: Knit.

Round 13: (K6, kfb) 6 times — 48 sts.

Round 14: Knit.

Round 15: (K7, kfb) 6 times — 54 sts.

Round 16: Knit.

Round 17: (K8, kfb) 6 times — 60 sts.

Rounds 18-37: Knit 20 rounds.


Round 38: (K8, k2tog) 6 times — 54 sts.

Round 39: (K7, k2tog) 6 times — 48 sts.

Round 40: (K6, k2tog) 6 times — 42 sts.

Round 41: Knit.

Using a needle with a large eye, pull yarn in 2 plies, about 30 cm long, through the Stitch on the knitting needles.


Middle part of the knitted snowman

Row 42 (front side): (k2, kfb) 14 times — 56 sts.

Next, knit in circular rows.

Row 43 (wrong side): p56.

Row 44 (front side): (k7, kfb) 7 times — 63 sts.

Rows 45-69: Work 25 rows in stockinette stitch.

Rows 70 and 71: Work in 1×1 rib.

Using a large needle, thread the double thread between the loops of the elastic.


Bottom of a knitted snowman

The lower part of the snowman is knitted in circular rows.

Row 72 (right side): K63.

Place the round start marker and get ready to work rounds.

Row 73: (k6, kfb) 9 times — 72 sts.

74th row: k72.

Row 75: (k7, kfb) 9 times — 81 sts.

Rows 76-95: K81 * 20 rows.

Row 96: (k7, k2tog) 9 times — 72 sts.

Row 97: k72.

Row 98: (k6, k2tog) 9 times — 63 sts.

Row 99: k63.

Row 100: (K5, k2tog) 9 times — 54 sts.

Row 101: k54.

Row 102: (k4, k2tog) 9 times — 45 sts.

Row 103: k45.

Row 104: (k3, k2tog) 9 times — 36 sts.

Row 105: k36.

Row 106: (k2, k2tog) 9 times — 27 sts.

Row 107: k27.

Row 108: (k1, k2tog) 9 times — 18 sts.

Row 109: k18.

Row 110: (K2 together) 9 times — 9 sts.

Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. Using a large eyed needle, thread the yarn through the remaining stitches, slipping them off the needle. Tie a knot, hide the tail and cut the thread.



Knit 2 identical parts.

Cast on 6 stitches on the knitting needles. Place a marker at the beginning of the row. Knit in circular rows

Row 1 (front side): K1 behind the front and back walls * 6 times – 12 sts.

Row 2: k12.

Row 3: (1 knit, 1 kfb) 6 times – 18 sts.

Rows 4-16: K18 * 13 rows.

Row 17: (k4, k2tog) * 3 times – 15 sts.

Row 18: k15.

Row 19: k2 together, k13.

Rows 20-24: K14 * 5 rows.

Row 25: k1, Increase 1 stitch by making 1 yarn over, which is knitted twisted on the next round to avoid a hole, k12, Increase 1 stitch by making 1 yarn over, which is knitted twisted on the next round to avoid a hole, k1 – 16 stitches.

Rows 26-27: k16.

Row 28: k2, Increase 1 stitch by making 1 yarn over, which is knitted twisted on the next round to avoid a hole, k12, Increase 1 stitch by making 1 yarn over, which is knitted twisted on the next round to avoid a hole, k2 – 18 stitches.

Rows 29-30: k18.

Finger: Slip added stitches onto separate needles. Knit 3 rows of 6 knit stitches. Knit all stitches 2 together. Gather 3 loops with a large needle. Tighten the thread well.


Row 31: lift one loop from the broaches before and after the thumb – 14 knit stitches.

Rows 32-36: K14.

Row 37: (ssk, k3, K2tog) * 2 times – 10 loops.

Row 38: K10.

Stuff your hand tightly with synthetic filler.

Row 39: (ssk, 1 knit, K2tog) * 2 times – 6 sts.

Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. Sew the remaining loops together using a loop-to-loop stitch. Fasten the thread and hide the ends.

Tie the other hand in the same way.


Cast on 9 stitches using orange. Knit in circular rows.

Rows 1-4: Knit 9 * 4 times.

Row 5: k2tog, k5, k2tog – 7 sts.

6th row: k7.

Row 7: k2tog, k3, k2tog – 5 sts.

Row 8: k2tog, k1, k2tog – 3 sts.

Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. Thread the tail through the remaining stitches, slipping them off the needle. Secure the thread well, then pass the thread back through the nose to the beginning of the knitting. Later this thread will be used to sew on the snowman’s nose. Stuff the nose with a small amount of yarn of the same color.



The vest is knitted from sock yarn in turning rows.

Cast on 68 stitches using sock yarn.

Rows 1-4: Work in garter stitch.

Rows 5-26: (3 garter stitches, 62 stockinette stitches, 3 garter stitches) * 20 rows.

Next, knit the front and back sections separately.

Upper part of the right shelf

Row 1: k17.

Row 2: Cast off 2 stitches. 2 sts in garter stitch, purl 10, 3 stitches in garter stitch.

Rows 3-8: (3 garter stitches, 10 stockinette stitches, 2 garter stitches) * 6 rows.

Row 9: Cast off 3 stitches. 10 stitches in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches in garter stitch.

Row 10: 2 stitches in garter stitch, 10 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Row 11: Bind off 2 stitches, 10 stitches with stockinette stitch.

Row 12: 10 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Row 13: Bind off 2 stitches, 8 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Rows 14-16: 8 stitches in stockinette stitch * 3 rows.

Upper left shelf

Row 1: k17.

Row 2: 3 garter stitches, purl 10, 2 garter stitches, cast off 2 stitches.

Rows 3-8: (2 garter stitches, 10 stockinette stitches, 3 garter stitches) * 6 rows.

Row 9: 2 stitches in garter stitch, 10 stitches in stockinette stitch, cast off 3 stitches.

Row 10: 10 stitches in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches in garter stitch.

Row 11: 10 stitches in stockinette stitch, cast off 2 stitches.

Row 12: 10 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Row 13: 8 stitches in stockinette stitch, bind off 2 stitches.

Rows 14-16: 8 stitches in stockinette stitch * 3 rows.

Upper backrest

Row 1: Cast off 2 stitches, k32. Turn the work around.

Row 2: Cast off 2 sts, 2 garter stitches, purl 26, 2 garter stitches.

Rows 3-10: (2 garter stitches, 26 stockinette stitches, 2 garter stitches) * 8 rows.

Row 11: 2 sts in garter stitch, 9 sts in stockinette stitch, bind off 8 sts, 9 sts in stockinette stitch, 2 sts in garter stitch.

Next, knit each shoulder separately.

Left shoulder

Row 12: 2 stitches in garter stitch, 9 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Row 13: Bind off 2 stitches, 7 stitches in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches in garter stitch.

Row 14: 2 stitches in garter stitch, 7 stitches in stockinette stitch.

15th row: 2 stitches together, 5 stitches in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches in garter stitch.

Row 16: 8 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Tie the other shoulder in the same way.

Right shoulder

Row 12: 9 stitches in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches in garter stitch.

Row 13: 2 stitches in garter stitch, 7 stitches in stockinette stitch, cast off 2 stitches.

Row 14: 7 stitches in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches in garter stitch.

Row 15: 2 stitches in garter stitch, 5 stitches in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches together in knit stitch.

Row 16: 8 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Sew the shoulder loops using a loop-to-loop stitch.

Sew on the buttons. Crochet air loops.

A hat

Cast on 68 stitches on the needles. Knit in circular rows with a 2 x 2 rib until the length of the piece from the cast-on row reaches 9 cm (3.5//).

Close the crown:

Row 1: (K2, P2tog) 17 times – 51 sts.

Rows 2-3: (K2, P1) 17 times.

Row 4: (K2tog, p1) * 17 times – 34 sts.

Row 6: (K1, P1) 17 times.

Row 7: K2tog – 17 times.

Row 8: K2tog.

Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. Pass the yarn through the remaining stitches. Tighten and secure the thread well, cut off the tails.


Turn the snowman so that the hole in the snowman’s body is exactly in the middle of the back.

Attach the eyes about 6 cm (2.4//) below the top of the head, 4 cm(1.6//) apart.

Sew the nose 1.5 cm (0.4//) below eye level. Embroider the eyebrows and mouth.

Fill your head with synthetic filler. Tighten the thread separating the head from the body well.

Fill a nylon sock with granules or small pebbles. Place a sock with granules at the bottom of the snowman.

Fill the remaining free space with synthetic filler.

Tighten and knot the thread separating the bottom of the snowman well.

Sew on the arms.

Stuff the middle part of the snowman tightly with synthetic filling.

Sew up the hole in the back with a vertical knit stitch.

Put a hat and vest on the snowman.

I hope that an elegant knitted snowman will help you decorate your New Year’s holiday.

Read our other materials:

  1. How to Knit a Heart Softie.
  2. http://Knitted penguin.
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