Men’s mittens with cables knitting needles

men's-mittens-with-cables Men's mittens and gloves

Men’s mittens with cables, knitted with knitting needles, are unique and stylish accessories for the cold season. Сables are distinguished by their exquisite beauty and add special charm and personality to the mittens. The article describes the knitting process in detail and provides recommendations on the selection of yarn and tools.

Model author: Sarah Gomez. The article was written based on materials from the Interweave Knits Holiday magazine.

How to knit men’s mitts with cables

Men’s fingerless mittens are knitted in the round from the cuff with an elastic band, knit 2, purl 2. A beautiful cable pattern runs down the center of the back of the hand. The cables for the right and left mitts are knitted according to different patterns. The thumb with a V-shaped gusset is knitted with an elastic band, k1, p1.


Finished Size men’s mittens with cables: 5 (5 1/2, 6)// circumference and 7 1/2 (7 1/2, 8 2/3)// long.

Yarn: Harrisville Designs fly Wheel 100% pure virgin wool; 170 yd 115 m/5O g; color 969 granite, 1 skein.

Needles Size 4 (3.5 mm): set of double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Notions Markers (m); cable needle (cn); stitch holder; tapestry needle.

Gauge: 28 sts and 30 rnds = 4″ in k2, p2 rib (unstretched); Cable panel = about 2″wide.

Knitting pattern men’s mittens with cables



  • Slm — slip the marker, then knit the instructions after the marker;
  • CO — cast on loops;
  • M1L and M1R;
  • M1LP and M1RP

Right men’s mittens with cables

Cuff: CO 36 (40, 44) sts. Place marker (pm) and join in the rnd. Work 2 rnds in k2, p2 rib. Next rnd Work Right Hand Cable chart over 14 sts, p2, *k2,p2; rep from *to end.

Contin patt through Rnd 14 of chart, then work Rnds 5-9 (5-9, 5-14) once more.

Thumb gusset men’s mittens with cables

Set-up rnd: Work chart over 14 sts, [p2, k2] 1 (1, 2) time(s), p1, pm for gusset, M1L, pm, p1, *k2, p2; rep from * to end — 37 (41, 45) sts; 1 gusset st between m.

Next 2 rnds Work in patt to gusset m, sl m, k1, slm, workin patt to end.

Inc rnd Work in patt to gusset m, slm, M1LP, k1, M1RP, slm, workin patt to end—39 (43, 47) sts; 3 gusset sts.

Next 2 rnds Work in patt to gusset m, sl m, p1, k1, p1, sl m, work in patt to end.

Inc rnd Work in patt to gusset m, slm, M1L, p1, k1, p1, M1R, slm, work in patt to end — 41 (45, 49) sts; 5 gusset sts.

Next 2 rnds Work in patt to gusset m, slm, k1, *pl, k1; rep from * to m, slm, work in patt to end. [Inc rnd Work in patt to gusset m, slm, M1LP, k1, *p1, k1; rep from *to m, M1RP, slm, work in patt to end — 2 gusset sts inc’d.

Next 2 rnds Work in patt to gusset m, slm, p1, *k1, p1; rep from ” to m, sl m, work in patt to end. Inc rnd Work in patt to gusset m, sl m, M1L, p1, *k1, p1; rep from *to m, M1R, slm, workin patt to end — 2 gusset sts inc’d.

Next 2 rnds Work in patt to gusset m, slm, k1, *p1,

k1; rep from * to m, sl m, work in patt to end.] 2 times, ending with Rnd 10 (10, 5) of chart — 49 (53, 57) sts; 13 gusset sts.

Size 6// only: Inc md Workin patt to gusset m, slm, M1LP, k1, *p1, k1; rep from *to m, M1RP, slm, work in patt to end—59 sts; 15 gusset sts. Next 2 rnds Work in patt to gusset m, slm, p1, *k1, p1; rep from * to m, slm, work in patt to end.

All sizes: Next rnd Work in patt to gusset m, remove m, place 13 (13, 15) gusset sts on holder, remove m, work in patt to end — 36 (40, 44) sts rem.

Cont in patt as established, through Rnd 14 of chart, then work Rnds 15-23 once.

Next rnd *K2, p2; rep from *to end. BO all sts in patt.



Return 13 (13, 15) held gusset sts to dpn and, with RS facing, rejoin yarn.

Sizes 5 (5 1/2)”only:

Pick up and purl 1 st at base of thumb, k1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end—14 sts.

Next rnd *P1, k1; rep from *to end. Contin rib patt for 3 (4) more rnds. BO all sts in patt.

Size 6″ only:

Pick up and knit 1 st at base of thumb, p1, *k1, p1; rep from *to end — 16 sts. Work k1, p1 rib for 6 more rnds. BO all sts in patt.

Left men’s mittens with cables

Work as for right mitt to thumb gusset using Left Hand Cable chart, ending with Rnd 9 (9, 14) of chart.

Thumb gusset: Set- up rnd Work chart over 14 sts, p2, [k2, p2] 3 (4, 4) times, k2, p1, pm for gusset, M1R, pm, p1, [k2, p2] 1 (1, 2) times—37 (41, 45) sts; 1 gusset st between M. Complete as for right mitt.

Finishing: Weave in ends. Block men’s mittens with cables.

The article tells how to knit men’s mittens with сables.

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