Set of accessories “hat and mittens with cables” on knitting needles

Women's mittens and gloves Knitted hat

This article shows you how to knit an elegant set of accessories, which includes a hat and mittens with cables for the whole family.

Cables are beautiful traditional patterns that add sophistication and charm to knitwear. Cables add texture and volume to knitted items. At first glance, the technique of knitting cables seems complicated, but in fact, knitting them is quite simple.

Description for the cables Hat and Mittens accessory set is available in three sizes so it is suitable for the whole family.

Set of accessories “hat and mittens with cables”


Measurements / Size

To fit: Child (Woman, Man). Head circumference (cm): 50 (55, 60).


  1. Yarn: Debbie Bliss Rialto DK, shade 060 Sky, 4 (4, 6) 50g (105 m) balls. 100% merino wool.
  2. Needles: 4 mm (40 cm) circular, 4 mm double-pointed, set of five.
  3. Cable needle.
  4. Stitch markers.
  5. Waste yarn.
  6. Tapestry needle.

Criss Cross Chart for hat and mittens with cables


Tension Square: 

  • 35 sts x 37 rows = 10 cm x 10 cm (cable pattern 4 mm needles);
  • 22 stitches and 30 rows = 10 cm x 10 cm (stocking stitch 4 mm needles).

Special abbreviations

  • C4B: sl next two sts on to cn, holdcat back of work,k2,k2 from cn;
  • C4F:sl next two sts on to cn, hold at front of work, k2, k2 fromc n;
  • Tw4B: sl next two sts on to cn, hold at back of work, k2, p2 from cn;
  • Tw4F: sl next two sts on to cn, hold at front of work, p2, k2 from cn;
  • Tw3B: sl next st on to cn, hold at back of work, k2, p1 from cn;
  • Tw3F: sl next two sts on to cn, hold at front of work, p1, k2 from cn;
  • m1l: insert LH needle into horizontal bar between sts from front to back, k into back of this loop;
  • m1r: insert LH needle into horizontal bar between sts from back to front, k into front of this loop;


Using 4 mm circular needle, cast on 144 (172, 200) sts, pm, join in the rnd being careful not to twist sts

Rnd 1: *k2, p2, rep from *to end This rnd sets rib

Rep Rnd 1until work meas 7 (8, 9) cm

Using m1 inc 1 (2, 3) sts evenly across next rnd: k1, p1, *work Rnd 1 of Cable Chart, [p1, k1] twice, p1, rep from * 3 (4, 5) more times, work Rnd 1 of Cable Chart, p1, k1, p1

This rnd sets position of cable

Working appropriate rnd of Chart, rep last rnd until 40 (48, 56) rnds have been worked

Next rnd: k1, p1, pm for new start of rnd

Shape crown

Note: change to dpns if there are too few sts for circular needle

Rnd 1; * work next rnd from Chart, p1, k1, p1, k2tog, rep from * to end. 140 (168, 196) sts

Rnd 2: * work next rnd from Chart, p1, k1, k2tog, rep from * to end. 135 (162, 189) sts

Rnd 3:* work next rnd from Chart, p1, k2tog, rep from * to end. 130 (156, 182) sts

Rnd 4: * work next rnd from Chart, k2tog, rep from * to end. 125 (150, 175) sts

Rnd 5: * work first 21 sts from Chart, work next two sts as they appear (see Knitwise), k2tog, rep from * to end. 120 (144, 168) sts

Rnd 6: * work first 21 sts from Chart, work one st as it appears, k2tog, rep from * to end, 115 (138, 161) sts

Rnd 7: *work first 20 sts from Chart, work one st as It appears, k2tog, rep from * to end, 110 (132, 154) sts

Rnd 8: * work first 20 sts from Chart, k2tog, rep from * to end. 105 (126, 147) sts

Rnd 9: * work first 18 sts from Chart, work one st as it appears, k2tog, rep from * to end. 100 (120, 140) sts

Rnd 10: work first 18 sts from Chart, k2tog, rep from * to end, 95 (114, 133) sts

Rnd 11: work first 16 sts from Chart, work one st as it appears, k2tog, rep from * to end. 90 (108, 126) sts

Rnd 12: * work first 15 sts from Chart, k3tog, rep from * to end. 80 (96, 112) sts

Rnd 13: * work first 13 sts from Chart, k3tog, rep from * to end. 70 (84, 98) sts

Rnd 14: * work first 11 sts from Chart, k3tog, rep from * to end. 60 (72, 84) sts

Rnd 15: *work first eight sts from Chart, work one st as it appears, k3tog, rep from *to end. 50 (60, 70) sts

Rnd 16: * work first seven sts from Chart, k3tog, rep from * to end. 40 (48, 56) sts

Rnd 17: * work first five sts from Chart, k3tog, rep from * to end. 30 (36, 42) sts

Rnd 18: * work first three sts from Chart, k3tog, rep from * to end. 20 (24, 28) sts

Rnds 19-20: * k2tog, rep from * to end. 5 (6, 7) sts

Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off.



Using 4 mm dpns, cast on 40 (44, 48) sts, pm for beg of rnd, join in the rnd taking care not to twist sts

Rnd 1: * k2, p2, rep from * to end This rnd sets rib. Rep last rnd until work meas 7 (8,9) cm.

Next rnd: k1, p1, work Rnd 1 of Cable Chart, p1, k to end. This rnd sets position of cable. Working appropriate rnd of Chart, rep last rnd ten times.

Thumb gusset – Left mitten

Rnd 1: k1, p1, work next rnd of Chart, p1, k to last two sts, pm, m1l, k1, m1r, pm, k1. 42 (46, 50) sts.

Thumb gusset – Right mitten

Rnd 1: k1, p1, work next rnd of Chart, p1, k2, pm, m1l, k1, m1r, pm, k to end. 42 (46, 50) sts

Both mittens

Rnd 2: k1, p1, work next rnd of Chart, p1, k to end slipping all markers.

Rnd 3: k1, p1, work next rnd of Chart, p1, k to marker, sm, m1l, k to marker, m1r, sm, k to end. 44 (48, 52) sts.

Rep Rnds 2-3 until there are 13 (15, 17) thumb gusset sts between markers.

Next rnd: patt to marker, remove marker, slip 13 (15, 17) thumb sts on to waste yarn, remove marker, cast on one st on palm side of hand, k1. 40 (44, 48) sts.

Cont working patt as set until 40 (48, 56) rnds of Chart have been worked in total, ending after a Rnd 8 (16, 8).

Shape top

Note: where cable cannot be completed, work sts as they appear. If you find it tricky to

shape whilst cabling, omit the cables and k these sts instead.

Set up rnd: work 4 (3, 2) sts as they appear, pm for new start of rnd.

Next rnd: k1, ssk, keeping patt correct, work 14 (16, 18) sts from Chart, k2tog, k1, pm, k1, ssk, k14 (16, 18) sts, k2tog, k1. 36 (40, 44) sts.

Next rnd: patt to end

Next rnd (dec): * k1, ssk, patt to three sts before marker, k2tog, k1, sm, k1, ssk, k to last three sts, k2tog, k1. 32 (36, 40) sts

Next rnd: patt to end

Next rnd (dec): * k1, ssk, work sts as they appear to three sts before marker, k2tog, kl, sm, rep from * once more.

Rep last two rnds until 18 (20, 22) sts.

Distribute sts over two dpns, hold parallel and graft tog using Kitchener st.


Return sts on waste yarn to needle and pick up and k one st from cast-on st. 14 (16, 18) sts.

K until thumb meas 4 (5, 6) cm or desired length.

Next rnd: * k2tog, rep from * to end. 7 (8, 9) sts.

Cut yarn, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off. Weave in ends and block LK.

This article shows you how to knit an elegant set of accessories, which includes a hat and mittens with cables for the whole family.

Read also: Men’s mittens with cables knitting needles.

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